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Cybersecurity readiness assessment

In a Threat Simulation Exercise we will literally simulate a security breach or data breach and evaluate how your security team deals with it.

Cybersecurity readiness assessment

What is a cybersecurity readiness assessment?

How do your teams react when a cyber incident occurs? The Cybersecurity Readiness Test will tell you. We simulate a security or data breach and examine how your teams handle it. Of course, our specialists will guide you throughout the entire operation. This way, you will be better prepared for any possible subsequent incidents.

What are the benefits?

Security awareness

We raise the security awareness of your management and IT or security teams.

Precise tailoring

The test is fully tailored to your organisation.

Increased understanding at all levels of your organisation

Increase the understanding of information security at all levels of your organisation.

Improved incident response

Improve the incident response of your organisation in all areas: culture, structure, processes, and responsibilities

What will you get?

  • An evaluation of your organisation’s resilience in the event of a cyber incident.
  • Recommendations for optimisation in the future.
  • The development of an informed corporate culture on cyber incidents.
  • Increase the understanding of appropriate employee behaviour at all levels of your organisation.
Cybersecurity readiness assessment

How do we work?

  1. Kick-off meeting to discuss the objectives.
  2. Determination of which methodology or framework we will use.
  3. Concrete implementation of the framework and drafting of the action plan.
  4. Implementation of that action plan.
  5. Comprehensive report, including a roadmap with concrete short, medium and long term action points, for raising the level of cyber security to the desired level.

Why is this a priority?

A Cyber Security Readiness Test provides a realistic representation of how your organisation handles crisis situations. Culture, structure, processes, and responsibilities are all scrutinised and mapped out. We make recommendations for the future, so that your teams are ready for any attack.

Is your organization in line with the new NIS2 directive?

We expect the Belgian transposition of the EU directive by 17/10/2024. Schedule your assessment on time to avoid fines!

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No. To make the test as realistic as possible, we only inform those people who absolutely must know that it is only a test. All other employees in your organisation will experience the situation as if it were real. Only then can we determine how your teams actually deal with a cyber incident. We like to take into account the culture within your company, and, of course, we discuss the plan of approach with you in detail during the kick-off meeting.